Google Maps brings back the old favourite ‘search nearby’ function

on April 3rd, 2014 by erikwestlake | No Comments »

Google Maps used to have the ability to use the search nearby tool. When they underwent their last redesign they scrapped this feature though. On April Fools Day (April 1st) this feature was brought back into the swing. For people who do not know what the tool did for people who use Google Maps a lot, it give you the ability to see all the nearby businesses and other points of interest for your specified search location. This means that if you are heading out to the north end of your city you can see what restaurants are around there very quickly.

When Google did the redesign in March they did not throw out the function all together, but it was a lot more difficult to get the same results that only a click can do now. You would have had to do a follow up search after you typed in your search criteria. The main drawback of the follow up search had was you could not control the level the map was zoomed. With the newly re-introduced search nearby function you can control the distance to look around your final destination of your search.

So what do you think of the re-introduction of this feature to Google Maps?


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