Hello and Welcome to the Erik Westlake Link Exchange. This page will be a simple setup.

I will offer a FREE back link to your site.
In exchange you must provide me with a back link to my main page.

How does this work?
Well to make it simple, You just need to give me a back link.
This in turn will get you a Back link to your site.

I will be checking the back links status on your site regularly.
If I notice that you have removed the back link to my site, you will lose your back link.

How do you get this service?
Simply send me an email containing your Name, Website Address and the type of site you run.
Please note that no obscene content will be back linked from this site, so do not try.

If you have any other questions feel free to email me with anything you want to know.

Link Exchange Sites

Anime Wallpaper Site
